Miss Jacobs' Little Learners: Learning Intentions and Success Criteria                                                          

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria


Over the last few years, there has been a bit of a push in schools to be creating and displaying a Learning Focus for each lesson.

At my school, we are required to display our Learning Intention and Success Criteria to match. This needs to be visible to the students and written in child-friendly language.

I can definitely see the benefit of this as not only does it enable teachers to stay on track, it also gives students an opportunity to self-assess and reflect on their own learning. The only problem is however, it can be a little time consuming creating these statements and then displaying them.

Initially, I started writing them on my whiteboard but then it would get in the way and I'd end up rubbing it off. Then I tried printing them out - which took time and wasted paper and ink.

I recently experimented with this and it has worked a treat!

How I created it:

I have used an A3 sized plastic pocket (it is quite thick and durable). 
These are available at Office Max or Office Works.

I used an A3 coloured card for each subject and glued 
my Learning Intention and Success Criteria sheets on it.

Then I placed this in the plastic pocket.

This allows me to use it every day. I just write on top of the plastic pocket using a 
whiteboard marker and rub it off using a tissue when I am ready to write the new focus up. 

I made one for Reading, Writing and Mathematics and colour coded them.
Too easy!!!

Both my Learning Intention Posters and 
Success Criteria Posters are available HERE:

I hope this little tip has inspired you with your own Learning Goals Display!

Until next time,