Miss Jacobs' Little Learners: Bugs Theme Classroom Resource Pack                                                          

Bugs Theme Classroom Resource Pack

I am LOVING bugs at the moment! I think it stemmed from our unit on bugs last term. The kids just loved it!

So, if you are looking for a fresh look for your classroom, look no further!

Bug Themed Classroom Resources Pack

I have created this Bug Themed Classroom Resource Pack which includes everything you need to decorate and use in your classroom for an introductory price of just $6. it includes 115 pages worth of stuff AND using the latest version of Adobe Reader you can enter in your own text to suit your class requirements. This means you can use the labels not only for your students name plates, but also to label supplies, tubs, groups... its endless!

Here is a sample of what's included:

I hope you like it! Have fun re-decorating! :)

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