Miss Jacobs' Little Learners: Owl Themed Classroom Library                                                          

Owl Themed Classroom Library

It's finally up and running! We have completed our classroom library so as promised (back in January!!!) here is what it looks like :)

I made the bean bag as a uni project years ago! Finally, it came to good use :) 

I painted the tree trunk and used green card for the leaves.

Each child was responsible for making their own owl and chose their own design. Then we stuck a photo of them in the middle. This gorgeous owl template was one I found on Pinterest from Classroom Compulsion and its free!

 Each tub is clearly labelled and the children assisted in sorting all the books out. I wanted to give them ownership over the library from the very beginning. It is their responsibility to keep it neat and organised. My classroom library tub labels are available at my TPT store.

As a whole grade, we discussed what rules we should put in place whilst in the classroom library. Here is what we came up with.

So far, the children have absolutely adored being in this special space in our classroom. Each child had an opportunity to chose some books to put in it so they are all of interest to the kids. 

I would love to see your classroom libraries! Place a link to your classroom library in the comment section if you would like to share!!

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